8 bikes
6 cars
1 apartment
4 neighbors
2 knee surgeries
1 pulling over in bird's eye to throw up
3 cell phone companies
4 computers
1 trip to the Atlantic
1 trip to the Pacific
4 GPS's
459 Geocaches
11 church callings
5 jobs
1 trip to the emergency room
a few tears
and lot of laughs later... we are still going strong.
I would love to say that it has been nothing but love and bliss since... but since we all are aware of a little thing called "reality" we know it hasn't. But I have been very happy and glad that I made the choice. I don't think I could have found anyone better. I'm happy that it's eternity and I'm happy that it's Chad. I love you.
Look how confident this young couple looks
We were so tired of getting our picture taken at this point. Can you tell?
My family. My oldest brother Ryan had fallen down the stairs that day and was on some pain medication... can you find him?
Chad's family... minus his sister Jenny. We don't know where she was for this picture.
We were so tired of getting our picture taken at this point. Can you tell?
My family. My oldest brother Ryan had fallen down the stairs that day and was on some pain medication... can you find him?
Chad's family... minus his sister Jenny. We don't know where she was for this picture.