Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm Proud

I have done a lot of thinking the last little while about what our children (and more specifically, this child that we're about to have) are going to have to deal with in the world in their years of growing up. A lot has me scared. There are a lot of scary and bad things in the world. But then I got to thinking about how many good things are out there. How many changes we've seen in our lives that will just be the "norm" for them.

I am proud today that the value of a man's life has finally become more important than the value of a dollar.

I am proud that having a black president or even a black princess will not seem abnormal to them.

I am proud that the idea of a woman president won't seem absurd. That a little girl will grow up with the same idea as a little boy that she truly can become anything she wants.

I am proud that if she chooses to be a stay-at-home mom that it won't mean that she's uneducated or untrained, but that she knows that a woman (or a man) can accomplish so much raising a child.

I am proud that if there is something that they disagree with the government on, that they can say it out loud, without getting shot in the head. That we have a government that allows us to voice our opinions.

I am proud that she will live in a country that she can disagree with another person religiously and it doesn't HAVE to turn into a physical war.

I am proud that we are not forced to be one religion or another.

I am proud that no matter what another person believes, we can still love that person for who they are.


A Few Tacos Shy... said...

I am proud that you are my friend :-)

LeMira said...

Amen! I think your little girl is especially lucky that she gets such a great mom and dad!

Lexi said...

I am proud that she will have a mother like you to teach her to look on the bright side of life.

Shawners said...

Here here!