Friday, September 26, 2008

10 Reasons I love my job

Being off of work for two weeks has got me thinking about my employment. I've come to the conclusion that I really do love my job. Yes, there are parts of it I don't like, and, in fact, dread. But, for the most part, I am very happy to have it. I don't mean to brag, I am just feeling grateful for my job. So, here is my list of reasons why.

10. The fact that I am employed at all. After having nothing to watch but judge shows, I see how my life could be as an unemployed drunk who has lost total control of my life who blames everything wrong with my life on other people.

9. Challenges. I don't just go to work, do my work, and go home (okay, I do some days). But I get to challenge myself and learn new things on a regular basis.

8. I get to meet new people all the time. While a lot of the time when I actually get to talk to customers, they're complaining about something. But then there are those people who are really interesting and really fun to help.

7. Flexibility. I don't like to have to ask for things that aren't a part of my normal job, but I love that when I do, that I normally can have it. Like if I need to leave early one day of the week... it's not a problem. Or if I unexpectedly have to take a week off of work... it's not a problem. They're willing to cover.

6. Get to sit. Yes, I am lazy, but I am happy I don't have to be on my feet all day.

5. The person factor. I don't work for a faceless corporation who doesn't care about it's employees. I know all my bosses by first name, and they know mine. I also know where most of them live.... so don't cross me /shakes fists!!

4. Free Tuition for Chad. Really, you can't beat that if you're trying to get your husband through school.

3. I get too much vacation time. Too much vacation time? you ask. Yes, I know that's a strange concept, but listen to this. I get 5 hours per pay period of vacation, which equals up to 10 hours per month, which will equal out to 120 hours per year. Divide it by 40 hours (a week) and I have 3 weeks a year. It's actually hard to find time to take it all. Plus I have 2 days of personal time and sick time on top of all of that.

2. Insurance. Oh, how I am grateful for insurance. I know when I have gone to doctors appointments I have always been happy that I have it, but after having a $7000 surgery which was accompanied by some complications that could have cost us thousands more, I am very grateful for the insurance that we have.

1. The people. I love the people I work with... not all of them, but most of them. I consider most of the people I work with as friends and often see them outside of work.


Ann said...

Yay! I love good jobs! I have a job right now that I love to pieces and I can bear to think about the day that i will have to leave here. Good list. I echo your sentiments.

jen said...

The bookstore is the best place to work. I miss it all the time. You're lucky!